Sunday, May 24, 2020

Analysis Of The Poem The Wasteland - 1313 Words

T.S Eliot’s â€Å"The Wasteland† is a fragmentary poem written in the early 1900’s, the poem displays themes of physical existence and the non-existence of a modern life. In fact, which can be seen in the first part of the poem itself, which is broken down into 4 iridescent yet, colorless parts. The Burial of the Dead, Game of Chess, The Fire Sermon, Death by Water and What the Thunder Said; they are all profoundly related they are designed to convey the over arching themes of the poem. It has countless illusions to other things; it is spoken in other languages, past literature, changing speakers and referring to past history; this poem acts as a collage of art. By virtue of being on one canvas, all these things are having a conversation with one another, making up the body of this poem. One of the biggest themes this poem touches on is the spiritual malaise of our lives of industry and our surroundings, trying to find our way in the world but falling short; fee ling adrift and also our surroundings and lives not intertwining with each other. Also, modern man is also running behind wordily possessions, he is far away from nature and all of this has happened after industrialization. This materialistic attitude from man has distracted man from real spiritual beauty. Before divulging into this analytical response, the question that is being deciphered for this paper is it really possible for readers to get behind what Eliot is doing in this poem, or is today’s society to invested inShow MoreRelatedThe Wasteland Analysis990 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Wasteland† Analysis After World War I, a movement known as Modernism changed poetry and literature. T.S. Eliot was one of the most influential Modernist writers in his time. 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